We finally have a new site. Go to TheSilentEffect to check it out. It is almost completely done. If the link doesn't work the address is thesilenteffect.hostrocket.com We have a few shows coming up including the Varsity Club on March 5, and a battle of the bands at NBHS on March 16. Neither of these shows' details are figured out just yet but we'll let you know all that as soon as we find out. Until then keep updated.
Hey, sorry for the lack of updates, lots of things have been happening for us lately. We recorded an ep entitled "Tomorrow Began Today" and we are selling it for $4, see us at shows or in school. Also we should still be selling t-shirts for $6 at shows. The nearest show is thursday, January 22nd at the Highlander, show starts around 5:30/6ish. 5 dollars at the door. Other bands playing will include Letterday, Highland High, The Casual Lean, and The Thrift Syndicate along with a few others. It should be a great show, all are encouraged to come. Sometime soon we should have a brand new (good) website, we'll let you know when that is up and also soon we should be selling either stickers or pins to raise money to record our full length CD. Well, we hope to see all of you at the show and keep updated for more shows and news.
Well the first Silent Effect show is scheduled for October 30th at the Highlander with Concord, Highland High, Thrift and others. Time will be 6 or 6:30, it isn't sure just yet and either is price but as soon as that is found out we will let you know. The new site is under construction and is nearly finished, but if you would like to see it so far the temporary site is silenteffect.hostrocket.com hopefully you all like the site and make sure that you all come to this show.
In case you haven't read our guestbook, our name is now official, we have changed it to The Silent Effect. More shows and news will be added soon and also there will be a new site soon, the address will be put up on this site, so keep checking back.
Friday's show was a great way to end the summer. Thanks to everyone that came out and to all the other bands, who played awesome, and of course thanks most of all the Eldrige who put on all these shows. Most of you have probably heard that with the addition of a new guitarist we have made the decision to 'start over' with a new name and new songs. We will still play a few Royce songs until new ones take their place. There hasn't been a decision on a name yet, but look for one soon and look for lots of new material at more upcoming shows.
Thanks to everyone who came to the show at the Highlander. All the bands played great. We are writing alot of new material and hopefully everyone will enjoy it much more. Everyone make sure you come to the last show of the summer this friday in Fairhaven, it should be great.
Royce has recruited Brandon Lambert as a second guitarist. The new demo will probably be scratched and we are working on lots of new material. Keep updated and make sure you come to our two shows coming up this week and next. Hope to see you there.
We have began recording, but technical problems have caused a delay, when we'll continue is unsure, but we will let you know as soon as we do. Also, shows coming up include this Thursday the 21st at the Highlander and Friday the 29th at the Fairhaven Varsity Club. More information on those shows will be put on the shows page. Hope to see you there.
The show Friday night in Fairhaven was once again great. Thanks to Concord, Torn By Law, The Conspiracy, The Thrift Syndicate, everyone that came, and of course again thanks to Andrew Eldrige for putting it on. We should be starting recording soon, we'll let you know more on that when we find out. Hopefully there'll be more shows soon, we'll let you know on that as well.
The show in Fairhaven was a big success.. All the bands played great. Thanks to Doubting Thomas, Highland High, Thrift Syndicate, everyone who came, and of course thanks to Eldridge for having all of us play. There should be more at the same place during the summer so we'll let you know when it is.
We've decided that Junior wasn't working out for the band. The different styles collided and it was hard to work with, so we decided to stick to a four piece for now. Any bands looking for a guitarist you should check him out, he's really good, just not our style. Good luck to him in the future.
The show at Jon's didn't go as well as planned.. we got the cops called so we had to stop about halfway through the set. Thanks to Jon though for letting us play, it was a good time. We have a show coming up this Friday, the 20th.. check out the shows page for more information. Recording will hopefully begin begining of July. Thats about all the news for now, make sure you all come Friday!
Hey, sorry for the lack of updates, we haven't had much news lately, we've been taking a little break all working on some new stuff, and perfecting the old. There's still not a definite date for recording but it should be soon. Once again, we'll update you all when we find out the details.
-Scott and royce
Sometime in the future most likely about 2 months from now we will be starting the recording process for a new CD with all the new, better songs. This one will be recorded on our own so it should be fun. We'll inform you on it when we find out more.
-Scott and royce
The show at lindsey's house was awesome, hope everyone enjoyed it, if you didn't.. well then i don't know.. theres no hope for you. Thanks to everyone that came, we appreciate it.
Once again the show at Levass' proved to be great, thanks to Thrift for playing, they did awesome. Thanks to everyone that came and thanks to Levass for havin us again. Pictures soon.
The show at Levass' was pretty ill.. thanks to everyone that showed. We sold some demo's and if you'd like one let us know and we'll get you one.. $2, and remember it goes for benifit of the band. Thanks again to Levass. We'll try and get some pictures up from it soon.
Much news..
A few more pictures from the Marion show have been added.
Last night in Marion was awesome, thanks to everyone that made it.. and a huge thanks to Ross and all of Thrift for letting us play.
Hey guys, we made this site basically because our other site got screwed with and this is easier to update and keep you guys up to date with news and stuff like that.. it'll take a little while to finish but it'll get there..